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Drug Testing in Today’s Workforce
GONE ARE THE DAYS OF RANDOM DRUG TESTING! Whichever drug testing process is best for your company, it must be documented, posted and signed off on by the employees. Even if […]
Everboarding Retains Employees
EVERBOARDING – NEXT GENERATION OF ONBOARDING In an increasingly competitive hiring war, you may have tried every trick in the book to attract, hire and retain top talent and are […]
Is Turnover a Sign of Culture Issues?
Turnover is almost always rooted in culture issues. The fallout from a toxic culture is staggering. Whether it stems from one person, a team, a whole department or the entire […]
Does Fido Qualify as a Service Animal?
Service animals help individuals with disabilities live and work independently. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is a dog that has been trained to perform tasks […]
Switch your mindset to a Human Leader
A traditional boss is process and metrics oriented, has a business-first mindset, maintains more formal relationships with their team and derives their influence from their position. In contrast, a human […]
Could Human Leadership be the Future?
We’ve all heard this popular adage: “Employees don’t leave jobs, they leave managers.” And it’s true! Fear- and power-based leadership doesn’t motivate people for the long term. Having employees dread […]
Human Leader vs Traditional Boss
Whether you’re a seasoned manager, recently promoted into a leadership role or you are responsible for an entire team of leaders, everyone should be asking the same question: How can I […]
Balancing Workplace Relationships
We spend on average about one-third of our lives at work. Based on a traditional 40-hour workweek, that’s 2,080 hours a year! Given the amount of time spent together, it’s […]
Everboarding: Next Generation of Onboarding
In an increasingly competitive hiring war, you may have tried every trick in the book to attract, hire and retain top talent and are still seeing high turnover. Employers have […]
Policy Rules for Social Media
Social media policies can establish clear rules and policies for employees’ social media use. But how do you know if it is thorough yet easy-to-follow and not too strict, too […]
Trust is key in The Great Resignation
How do you attract and retain skilled employees during The Great Resignation? Your solution is based on building a culture of trust. Build the workplace where YOU would like to […]
Value of an Employee Handbook
DO YOU REALLY NEED AN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK?Have you thought it might be too much hassle for you to create an employee handbook? Instead, consider the risk you and your company could face by […]
Form I-9 Policy Changes
Policy Allowing Expired Documents Scheduled to End As of May 1, 2022, employers can no longer accept expired List B documents for Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification purposes. Beginning May […]
Workplace Romance
February is a month to celebrate love, but should romance be welcome at your workplace? According to a recent article from the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), nearly one […]
Hiring Military Veterans
As businesses nationwide struggle to find qualified talent to fill openings, many companies are seeking a variety of talent pools for new hires. Military veterans are often stereotyped as “firemen” […]
Who Holds Your Company Knowledge?
The most seasoned employee of yours has begun their planning for retirement after 25 years of service to you and your mission. Before you start planning the retirement ceremony, have […]
Inclusion: The Final Missing Piece – Part 3 of DEI Series
Companies are focusing on employee happiness more than ever before. The ultimate goal being to retain your staff and keep them invested in your company’s mission. Now that your company […]
Equity: More Than Equality – Part 2 of DEI Series
Your workplace has strived to keep all available opportunities equal for all employees. The ladder of achievements, bonuses and promotions are clearly set to ensure your staff has an equal […]
Diversity in the Workplace – Part 1 of DEI Series
Companies who embrace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) know that these practices in the workplace are the key to business success. International events of 2020, including both the pandemic and […]
Work Perks to Include in a Benefits Package
2021 Updates to Benefits Package Expectations As many companies start hiring new college graduates and are returning to a new normal after the pandemic, there are new expectations for employers. […]
Internship Best Practices
It’s the start of internship season! If your organization is bringing in interns this year (or considering it), you have probably started to think about the work the intern will […]
The Key to a Successful Interview Process
Interviews have a stereotype of stuffy suits and drilling fear into applicants to weed out and find the perfect fit for the job. When planned properly, the interview process provides […]
10 Signs Your Top Talent is Leaving
Employee turnover is a high stressor for employers as this equates to more added stress, expense, and time-consuming efforts to recover, especially when the people leaving are your top talent. […]
The 8 Reasons to Have a Company Handbook
Your company handbook is the stepping stone to successful human resource practices. We at Vinna Human Resources find the handbook to be the first step to getting your human resources […]
Holiday Greetings from Vinna Human Resources
We at Vinna Human Resources want to thank you for making us a part of your team this last year. We have been helping businesses deal with the many additional […]
Year End Human Resource Checklist
Year end is officially a few weeks away. As many individuals are looking ahead to much needed vacation time, Vinna Human Resources would like to remind you of some last-minute […]
Family and Friends in the Workplace
Nepotism in the workplace can often be hard to avoid, especially with a business in a small town where new hires are often family members or friends of the leadership. Has […]
Employee Access to Personnel Records
Minnesota law allows employees the right to see their personnel records kept by employers. Employers are required to provide personnel record upon written request from an employee. Current employees can […]
Department of Labor Releases New Back-to-School FFCRA Guidance
Ever since it became clear that not all schools would be fully reopening for the new school year, employers and employees alike have been wondering how the federal Families First […]
Who Needs a Preparedness Plan and Elements Your Company Should Consider Including.
Who Needs a Preparedness Plan Employers and businesses are responsible for preventing the spread of Coronavirus in the workplace. Your business should have a plan in place for when employees […]
7 Reasons Your Company Needs a Handbook
Compliance is a tedious task. However, the cost of a handbook is far less than legal fees. Learn seven reasons your company needs a handbook.
Avoid Unintentional Workplace Discrimination
Attention to unintentional discrimination will lead to a positive impact on your company culture while increasing diversity in your workplace.
12 Ways to Support Employee Mental Health
Employers who support employee mental health continue to see job satisfaction and happiness. Here are 12 ways to support your employees mental health, especially as many continue to work remote.
Travel Policies During Coronavirus
To curtail the spread of the virus and protect the health and safety of your co-workers, clients, and other visitors to your offices, we suggest adopting CDC recommendations regarding when […]
Bringing Employees Back After a Furlough
With bringing employees back after a furlough, especially during coronavirus, special attention to the ever changing laws, regulations and recommendations will help make this transition smoothest for your team. Reference […]
WESA Requirements for Pregnant Employees and How It Impacts Your Company
There are legal requirements that must be followed by employers under the Minnesota’s Women’s Economic Security Act (WESA) for pregnant employees. Your company must provide accommodations for the following: More […]
2020 MN W-4 Changes that May Impact Your Employees
If you have new employees or employees that would like to make a change in their withholding, the new 2020 W-4 forms must be completed and submitted. Prior years should […]
What’s in the name?
With Vinna Human Resources, quite a bit. Vinna means “win in Swedish and “working” in Icelandic. With Vinna Human Resources, you and your employees will “win at work” every day. When that happens, our […]
The Key to Successful Human Resource Practices
Your company handbook is the stepping stone to successful human resource practices. We at Vinna Human Resources find the handbook to be the first step to getting your human resources […]
New Edition of Form I-9 Now Available
The new edition of the I-9 form will not become mandatory until May 1. Through April 30, employers can choose to use the previous edition dated 7/17/2017 or the new […]
Reasons to Outsource Human Resource Services
A recent study from The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) found the top five reasons for companies to outsource their human resource services. Save Money Focus on Business Strategy […]
Prepare for Sickness at the Office
Although winter is coming to a close, you can still think about planning for employee health and managing sick time policies. There are no cases of coronavirus in Minnesota, however, […]
The Right Time for An Organizational Check-Up
Companies should be reviewing their human resource processes at least once a year. The following are questions we utilize to better understand the areas of success and necessary improvement. Are […]
How Much Does it Cost to Not Fire Someone?
You have hired an employee that you regret. With the fear and stress of firing the employee, many companies will keep these individuals on staff for much longer than needed. Here are […]
Love in the Workplace
With Valentine’s Day approaching, love in the workplace becomes a topic of concern for many places of work. Organizations find conversations about office romance difficult to approach and often ignored […]