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The 8 Reasons to Have a Company Handbook

Your company handbook is the stepping stone to successful human resource practices. We at Vinna Human Resources find the handbook to be the first step to getting your human resources on the right track. There are eight reasons why:

1. Foundation for the organization’s mission, vision, values and culture

Employees quickly pick up on your company’s culture through your handbook. From new to veteran employees, you want your staff to understand and connect with your mission, vision and values. A properly written handbook will ensure all employees know these from the start.

2. Communicates employee expectations

Both companies and new employees have expectations on the professional relationship. As the company, you have hopes that the new staff member will fulfill the open position needs and deliver results. New hires expect clear communication and fair treatment amongst other expectations. An update-to-date handbook establishes company policies and sets a professional tone for how your business is committed to your employees’ needs and creating a positive work environment.

3. Establishes leadership and management expectations

Staff want to know what is expected of leadership and management. As a new hire, written expectations in the handbook instill trust and certainty in each department working from the same clearly defined and uniform company-wide expectations. This guide establishes consistency in policies for leadership and management as well.

4. Reference guide to key company policies

Employers want their employees to succeed. Staff success equates to workplace happiness and overall increased production. Proving clear expectations outlines how employees can be successful in their jobs.

Your handbook needs to outline company policies and workplace behavior. Employees will learn about how to request time off, your company dress code, and drug and alcohol refrainment and what happens if expectations are not met.

5. Showcases employee benefits

There is no hiding that employee benefits can play a major factor for new hires. Does your company provide 401K matching? Do you offer a signing bonus? Do staff members get a bonus when aiding in finding new talent? Your handbook needs to outline all company benefits to guide new and veteran employees on employment benefits.

6. Highlights compliance with federal and state laws

Companies often do not know the liability risks that can be avoided by stating clear, defined policies and procedures in a company handbook. Inconsistent treatment or lack of company policy notices is frequently the basis for employment lawsuits and claims. A handbook that complies to applicable federal, state and local laws helps inform the employees while protecting your company.

7. Standardizes procedures for employee and employer protection

Handbooks provide a reference for all procedures in protection of both your company and its employees. Clear communication and consistency of procedures company-wide prevent conflicts from arising.

When staff notice inconsistent enforcement of policies and procedures, perceptions of unfairness and discrimination negatively impact the workplace environment. Clearly written procedures within the handbook provides your employees and company the reassurance of consistent, non-discriminatory, non-harassing implementation.

8. Provides resources to employees in case of uncertainty

Employees need to know resources to address questions, problems and complaints when they arise. An up-to-date, thorough handbook will establish internal and external resources for transparency. A very simple way to help aid in increasing staff confidence, heightening engagement and motivation across the business.

Handbooks should be a living document, continuously adapting to the everchanging human resource laws and regulations. We are here to be your resource. Contact us today to help your company create a handbook that fulfills those benefits and your company specific goals.

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