If you have new employees or employees that would like to make a change in their withholding, the new 2020 W-4 forms must be completed and submitted. Prior years should no longer be accepted. PLEASE NOTE: If a 2020 W-4 is submitted without a 2020 MN W-4 you are REQUIRED to withhold Single/0 for MN State withholding.
Vinna Human Resources is here to assist with on-boarding and provide human resource services for our clients so they stay in compliance with current and new laws.
W-2 Reminder
W-2 forms should be mailed out to employees by no later than January 31, 2020. While employees may not receive them on this date, they must be postmarked by this date.
I-9 Forms Update
Although the current I-9 2019 form expired on August 31, 2019, continue to use this form. A new form will be published once approved for future use.